Make money selling simple websites and DIY packages

Sell Mozello services directly to your own customers for your own price and, optionally, under your own name. With reseller program you have full control over the business operations as all payments, customer relations and marketing are handled by you. You can manage your customer website accounts via easy-to-implement reseller API or reseller control panel.

Business opportunities

  • Create simple websites and online stores faster and cheaper
  • Offer Do-It-Yourself web development service
  • Start your own website builder business
  • Become an exclusive Mozello representative in your country or region

Reseller programs

Agency Reseller Enterprise Reseller Regional Reseller
Create websites for your customers
Let your customers create their own websites
Set your own price
You handle payments and customer relations
You handle domain registration and setup
Reseller API & control panel
Offer free plan to end users *
White label / private label option
No programming required
Regional exclusivity
One-time setup fee (paid when you go live) $80 $1500 custom terms
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You only have to pay for the Mozello resources that your customers are using.

Premium site count
(active paid accounts)
(per site per day)
Premium Plus
(per site per day)
3+ Premium sites $0.21 $0.42
10+ Premium sites $0.19 $0.38
100+ Premium sites $0.18 $0.36
Less than 3 Premium sites $0.32 $0.64

* Enterprise resellers pay $0.12 per day per every 100 free accounts.

Regional exclusivity

If you want to actively represent and promote Mozello in your own country or region by investing into marketing and localization of the platform, we might be able to offer you an exclusive official-dealer-style contract. This is possible only in select countries, please contact us for more info.